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Old 02-22-2007, 07:21 PM   #7
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Re: 1966 c-10 brake help

WD-40 is really a very good penetrating oil. Get some real penetrating oil. I am currently using some stuff called Pyroil (or something like that). I "won" this stuff at a vintage dirtbike gathering, it works great.

That wood is absorbing a lot of you impact force. I use some hefty copper pins for punches, something like 7/8" dia and 5" long. I got these at a farm "yard sale". A copper hammer or brass hammer, or any suitable sized piece of any metal softer than your steel hub. Except lead, which is too soft.

I had the same helluva time getting one of my hubs separated (on a 64 C10). It took very literally a week. Each day, I applied more pentrating oil, whacked it some more, applied more oil, then let it set til the next day. Once in the morning before work, again in the evening after work. Started the process one weekend, it finally came apart the next weekend. When you're whacking it, it could be moving imperceptively. This opens cracks to allow more oil penetration.

If you're in more of a hurry, go to a machine shop and hire their hydraulic press, a few tons of pressure ought to move it.
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