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Old 02-22-2007, 09:02 PM   #46
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Re: Safe tow rope options?

Something I didn't see mentioned in any of the posts if double-braid nylon line. I learned about it while in the Coast Guard. I have several that we use to this day for "extracting" vehicles from "situations". Better be prepared if ya want is expensive......

Consider this.....tugboats use double braid to tow ships. That is a LOT of weight to tow. Coast Guard vessels use double-braid to tow sinking and disabled boats and ships in rough seas. Imagine the stretching forces exerted from one end to the other while in rough seas! I'm pretty sure you won't find chains or tow straps doing this job.

Disclaimer: the USCG goes to great lengths to teach Coasties that there are limits to the line's capabilities and that they can kill when they snap. They also teach that the connections points are always the weak links.

The method that Mickey_D mentioned works pretty good. The towing vehicle goes forward and take up the "stretch" and then basically stops. Oftentimes, this is all the extra help the stuck vehicle needs to get moving. We also take steps to make sure that if a line did snap, we are out of the line of fire.

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