Thread: need your help!
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Old 11-19-2002, 11:41 AM   #6
swervin ervin
You get what you pay for
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currently, all I have that is true braided stainless steel high pressure hose is my fuel line from the fuel pump to the carb. Then on my A.I.R. hoses, and radiator hoses, I have the stainless steel overbraid, which is the same basic thing execpt it is only the outer part of it. The vacuum lines and such are the fake Spectre stuff, you used to be able to buy. I have searched the net over for Spectre vacuum lines and can not find it anywhere.

Anyway, the real braided stainless hose ain't cheap. Matter of fact, it's anything but. Just for my fuel line and AN fittings I've got $56.00 in it, not counting the inline fuel filter I have. This only the part which runs from the fuel pump to the carb. I used to have a fuel pressure gauge in the line before the carb, but took it out when I added the fuel filter.

Yes, you must have the right fittings. AN is a type of fitting, like inverted flare, flare, pipe, etc. I guess it stands for the way it seals off when tightened up. Anyway, to hook AN style fittings up to other types, they make adapters and such.

To give you an example of how AN hose is installed to the fittings, have you ever assembled a air hose before. If so, you know how the hose goes up inside the fitting and the the second piece of the two piece fitting will go into the inside the hose and thread to the first piece. Well this is the same principle of AN fittings.

It is a PITA to get this stuff put together. The braid on the hose is what makes it hard. It's hard to cut, being stainless, then you have to tape the ends so the braid doesn't unravel while trying to assemble it. You have to use some oil so the fitting will slide into the hose and not mess it up.

Mostly, it will be for looks for our use. It's a ton better than regular hose, although it does have a rubber inner core. What it was originally made for was extreme high pressure applications where steel tubing couldn't be used. About the only real purpose over rubber hose for us is the braid part will keep the hose from being cut or a hole getting rubbed in it.

No, I don't have the tranny lines done with it. I plan on it though. I bought some Russel braided hose kits from Summit, which is three pieces, two front hoses, and one rear. They sent me the wrong kit and it didn't bolt up right the calipers. Anyway, I needed the brakes fixed right then so I bought some new stock hoses and sent the Russel hoses back.

I used it for the cool factor myself.

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