Thread: Rear End ???
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Old 02-27-2007, 06:52 PM   #10
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Re: Rear End ???

Originally Posted by bulky View Post
Replacing the nest & gearset is not a nut and bolt quickie. You do need to know what you are doing. Dont be embarrased abotu not being able to do it yourself. It takes alot of experience to set up a rear end correctly. It is a time consuming process of shimming and measuring to get the right pattern so it wont bind up or whine on the highway. Shop labor up here at a decent shop is around $85 an hour. $412 is not that far off, dont worry about it. You will have a nice rear end (no jokes about that comment) when it is done.
I agree, there is a process to setting up a rear end properly. There are alot of "Wrenchers" out there that will tell you the rights and wrongs to the whole process, BUT, they can probably learn a thing or two. I have done it in the past, but when it came to my last couple of rear ends, I gave it to someone else that had the time and parts on the bench to do it in a short order. Never be embarrassed, unless yo drop your shorts at a wedding.
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