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Old 02-27-2007, 08:00 PM   #1
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Location: louisiana
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engine identification

hi every one! I am new here and have a 1962 chevy ice cream truck, i was at stovebolt web sight and a member here told me about this forum were i would better fit in with the year chevy i have.

I have a problem that i just noticed today! My head on this staright six is leaking water through cracks, actually i think that it may be rusted out from the inside out water is seeping out the side of the head, i am thinking that the engine is a 235 but i dont know for sure...

now there is a 63 chevy truck in a wrecking yard near by that has and engine in it and the head seams to be in better shape than mine, but u cant tell what shape somethings in by looking, what are the chances that the 63 chevy truck in the wrecking yard has a 235 in it? they look pretty much the same.

i need to get this head form the yard if the engine is the same,, how do i tell?

thanks alot for reading

sorry for properally introducing myself.

my name is jeff and live in louisiana, i drive a 67 vw bus daily and just bought this step van ice cream truck....

i am a pastry chef by trade and am 39 yo

after buying a chevy that sat for 30 years i am really being challenged on this whole project but at the same time am determined to get it on the road this summer..

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