Originally Posted by nogaroa4
Hey Jebb looks good, So is that the Camaro Front Suspension? and if so did you just leave it full length and cut more of the truck frame?
Yes, my dad did the frame a long time ago. I am just cleaning it up some. The Camaro subframe was left full length and goes along under the truck frame. It is welded part of the way and bolted together at the very end of the Camaro frame aswell.
Thanks for the comments guys. I started playing with the brake system over the past few days. I was hoping I would have less problems than the guys with after market tranny mounts (mine still had the stock Camaro one) but no such luck. I am in bigger trouble than you guys were. I guess I will have to replace the tranny cross member and figure it out from there. Any ways it looks pretty nice. I would have gotten father but I got hung up on the tranny mount problem. After wasitng a few hours I just took mine out to test fit this stuff.