Thread: Is this normal?
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Old 03-03-2007, 11:27 AM   #3
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Re: Is this normal?

i just did a power steering pump on my 84,,it was like this,,we had to take the cap off of it, and turn the wheel back and forth several times,,it had air built up inside of it from being out of fluid for so long, and with the new cap on it,,there was no where for the air to take the cap off turn it back and forth several taimes,,shut it off check the fluid level,, then do it again. agter a few times of this, you will be able to put the cap back work for my truck,,but now i got a leak form the plug in the back of the to get somevody to go back in and try to tightn it up, hopefully can gewt to it with out pulling the pump..
honestly honey,,i have no idea how that truck got here.
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