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Old 03-09-2007, 11:26 AM   #66
what knocking sound?
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: good ol North Dakota
Posts: 148
Re: 69 c10 starting problems

I think this was asked earlier, but what is your gas supply? Are you using the original in cab tank or what? What I would do first is run a rubber gas line from the intake side of your fuel pump to a one gallon gas can. Then take off the line at the carb. Put a see-through bottle or jug of some sort on that, then turn it over(I would recommend disabling your ignition first). If you are getting gas to that point you know your gas problem is in your carb. I've had brand new pumps not pump gas. If its in your carb, make sure you double check your float and needle/seat. When you went through your carb, did you take it completely apart? For a carb that has sat that long you need to, at a minimum, spray carb cleaner through every little hole and port on it (soaking it would be better). I had to do this twice to my Q-jet on my blazer to get it running. Good luck.


1968 C-10

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