Thread: hard starting
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Old 03-09-2007, 12:32 PM   #12
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Re: hard starting

I would say that from what you are telling us, that your starter is dragging to crank the truck over slow. That can be caused by several things. First, is the starter good? Second, is the starter getting hot and then dragging? Third is the starter mounted properly? The comment about the noise, tells me that the starter needs to be mounted with the proper clearances on the shft to the flexplate. If this has been like this for awhile, then the starter is probably in need of replacement, due to the dragging causing wear on it.

It is possible you are experiencing starter "Heat Soak" and the starter is failing due to that. Many use the remote solenoid to help this. I personally put in an aftermarket "Magnetic" high torque starter and that solved my problem. I have had experience iwth rebuilt strters and they don't stand up to header heat influx,well.
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