Thread: 6/8 drop
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Old 03-09-2007, 11:46 PM   #6
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Re: 6/8 drop

My '71 Cheyenne was my daily driver for about 7 years. I ran 2 1/2" dropped spindles, 3" dropped springs and 26" tall tires (total drop was about 7"). Never again. My headers were about 3" off the blacktop. Jacking that thing up and crawling under it with a torch and a bfh every Saturday got old real quick. My a-arms were so close to the blacktop i couldn't fit an upright pack of Marlboros under them. It didn't take very long to waste 'em both. The front tires would rub hard at full lock on a moderatly step driveway. The back was down about 5" using clamped Chevell wagon springs. Enough to make it sit on the trimmed down bump stops. It was a cop magnet. Never again. Next time i'll bag it and do a c-notch.

I finally jerked the 3" springs and replaced 'em with the stock springs. I trimmed 'em up just enough to give it a 1" drop. I removed the clamps from the rear springs. Didn't look as cool but it sure was a lot easier to drive.

If it's just a weekend cruiser you could get by with a static drop, but for a daily driver it will get old real quick. Save yourself a lot of grief, bag it and notch it.
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