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Old 03-10-2007, 02:06 PM   #4
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Re: fender brace question

The small fender patches that I see for sale are an option, but I have not seen any bolt flanges anywhere on those (obviously at least SOME welding has to take place to attach to the rest of the fender at the top edge of the patch). The fender brace seems to resemble a floor brace rotated vertically.
The bottom curved edges of my fenders have been badly puttied up and separated from the braces, which are rusted. Patches would probably have to be welded to a new brace, right? Does a full fender have some other mounting provision along its back edge?
I'll be doing new rockers and trying to address the fender/brace issues at the same time (floors and inner rockers are solid). I appreciate the help.
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