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Old 03-12-2007, 11:14 PM   #4
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Re: lining up after the z'

The airbags in the front are not sitting in any cups whatsoever but there is a plate on top. I know that they shouldnt be sitting in there like that. I know I.F customs does alot of airbag setups like that which i know doesnt make it safe.In the future ill look at mounting them differently.

So far i have z'd the front 4 inches. And will move on to the rad support.
I have to get new cab mounts but ill tack the old ones on just for fitup.

After i put the cab on and lower the front rad and put fenders and doors back on and if see if it all lines up i need to know all the little possible things that you all can think of that im gonna have to do wth this large amount of z. Knowing its gonna be trial and error what kind of things on the 73 to 87's did you encounter. examples would be steering " more u joints", lengthen rad hoses changing over to electric fan, maybe putting on a cowl hood because cleaner may be to high now. Im just concentrating solely on the front of the truck for now. Any little things that you guys can financially prepare me for in new parts due to the z would be helpful and adjust the shock factor as well.

As well i have to do something with a crossmember now for my tranny. Probably go to a salvage and get another one and re work it. I messed the old one up. When i go to put the new crossmember in how do i go about knowing where it should be level wise, angle wise and do i now have to raise the height of the tranny 4 inches but putting a longer setup in the middle where it screws on.

Ill concentrate on the back as well but for now if all i have to really think about is the front which is where i am that is what ill do.

Im running 15's. 26 diameter i believe. Anyone with pictures of there frame build up from 73 to 87 would be appreciated.
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