VT – Yeah, the original setup was strained pretty good with that amount of angle. Surprisingly, all of the steering joints are pretty tight at the moment, especially after I greased them. I will eventually change all of it, but at this point I have a lot of other things to take care of. If it ain’t broke…
Special-K – You said it! I have been dreading this for a while now. I know it needed to be done, but I have had such bad luck in the past that I was kinda avoiding it. I guess I am now the king of the “LFH”.

There is a downside to this. I don’t have an excuse to buy any more tools at the moment
J – Honestly I was pretty worried about that too. Glad it didn’t happen! I watched my brother hit himself between the eyes with a 2lb a couple of years ago when he "missed" while hitting up on a 4wheeler part. Gotta be careful!