Originally Posted by bouncytruck
Ooh, ooh are we gonna cut the top off the Scion? I wanna help!
Where'd ya find that sweet 2wd? I saw your old Blue 2wd for sale on ebay the other day.
Hmmmmm.... never thought of cutting the top off the Scion... I'll bring the Sawzall!!.. sounds like fun!!
I found the 72 on Craigslist a couple of weeks ago.. and only 2 miles from me.. I'll let you in on a little secret.. its not real.. its a "Con vert"
That blue Blazer started my "I want a 2WD blazer craze" again.. When I traded my motorhome for it last spring, I didn't like the PO's bodywork or color nor did I like the 4spd.. I thought to myself I would have to take it all apart and start all over with it.. I figured for what I could sell it for like it was(since it was a factory 2WD) I could build many 2WD's out of 4X4's.. So I sold it..
And started searching for 4X4's.. Well... I ended up with 7 Blazers, 1 Trazer, two were parted out, 4 were converted with one left to go..
And the addiction continues...