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Old 03-15-2007, 09:54 AM   #9
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Re: Harmonic Balancer Repair Sleeve

I am a learn as you go mechanic and I can say I have never had a balance off. So what you guys are saying is the balancer has a sleeve that goes over the crank and it is that sleeve that penatrates the seal in the cover?

I think I understand now. A few questions. To put on the sleeve I pull the balancer put sleeve over balance hub then press balancer back on? How can I tell if it is the seal or the balancer? I am looking for an easy fix right now. And to replace the seal I have to pull timing cover and water pump and all right?
1968 c10
lowered 3" 4"
355/Th400 built by Hatfield racing in joplin MO
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