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Old 03-15-2007, 12:28 PM   #11
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Re: Harmonic Balancer Repair Sleeve

So what you are saying is that I can replace the seal in the timeing cover and put on a brand new balancer without removing the timeing chain cover? So the procedure is about the same for ethier fix just cheaper one way. I am not overly concerened with price just time.

Any tips on looking for a new balancer? I have a mild 355 about 330hp no track time about 40 miles a week.

Also it drips about one drop every day I drive it. Think it will be ok for another 6 months or so? Untill I get up the money for new balancer and all?
1968 c10
lowered 3" 4"
355/Th400 built by Hatfield racing in joplin MO
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