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Old 03-15-2007, 11:02 PM   #11
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Re: You tell me, blowing oil, or condensation?

Originally Posted by Rc 415 View Post
It does have a smell to it, and it does it for a few minutes after startup, and after I accelerated and let off the gas.
What is the smell like? Burning oil smells just like that - burning oil. A "sweet" smell indicates burning coolant (antifreeze). Burning coolant could be a result of a broken head gasket - allowing coolant from the engine's water jacket into one or more cylinders, where it gets burned by the engine combustion. Do you ever notice your radiator coolant level dropping?

As for the acceleration point I asked about - - engines with bad rings will smoke (burn oil) under heavy acceleration.

I'm thinking you could be burning engine coolant.
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