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Old 03-15-2007, 11:05 PM   #7
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Re: Time to do front pads on the hoe. a few questions

Originally Posted by centsless View Post
Actually in the GM service manuals, it says to NOT machine or replace the rotors unless they have major grooves or runout issues. Most shops will tell you otherwise to increase profits, and because years ago, you could turn rotors about 3 times before they were under spec. Now they only put enough meat on the rotors to get them through 1 turning if that. Anywhere the manufacturer can shed weight, they are, and that is one of the areas they have done it. We used to turn police car rotors on a daily basis. Now, when they have worn out a set of pads, there is not enough rotor to turn. Things sure have changed...
I agree, on the 1999+ trucks I have heard that very thing from my GM buddies.

I ran my original rotors until I had about 160K on my GMC, last summer I replaced them with powerslot zinc plated rotors
Joe - Formerly 67c10step
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