WELL, here is an update.
i even went back to basics and started the exact same way DAMON said to do it and that is start at 16* (with vacuum advance disconnected and drive and decrease till the spark knock is gone or untill i get to 12*. if the spark knock is still there, then go to both blue springs ( that may have been you MIKE) anyways im at two blue springs. the vacuum advance is completely locked out, well at least at the last whole. the rod barely moves now maybe 1/4 or less. everything is maxed out and the timing is at 10* and i still have the spark knock. i am still wondering if the coil may be the problem. as i said it is advertised at 54,000 volts as the stock is 38,000 if im correct. that is the only other thing i can imagine. everything else is new, pick up, module (MSD) everything. this thing is reeeaaaallllllllyyyyyyy getting on my nerves. i think i am starting to understand more of what i am doing with it, but the knock will not go away