Re: What did you get done? Spring Break-St Patricks edition-03/18
Originally Posted by 1987 Shortwide
I'm in between a real rock and a hard place on the deal. It really all boils down to centimental value and my lack of $$$. My dad is thinking of selling the car that I would otherwise inherit when he passes. I can't afford to buy the car unless I lose the truck. I either lose my first car that I've sacrificed hell and high water for, or I lose the one car that will keep a part of him with me when he's no longer here.
One of the hardest decisions I've been faced with in a while
Or this...

it is a hard choice, but i would rather have something to remember my dad by, then my 1st vehicle, to me the car would have more value, you can have alot of pictures of the truck, and show your kids it, and be like i sacrificed that truck to have your grandpa's car
SWB Stands for Short Wide Bed
Last edited by 82c10; 03-18-2007 at 09:43 PM.