I understand, Steve. I have my dad's '37 coupe that I inherited almost 3 years ago when he died. It really means a
lot to me. I have considered selling my truck, even, to allow more time and money for his coupe. I just can't do it, though.
I spent part of today with my wife and her terminally ill father showing his '67 RS Camaro at a local car show. He's so sick he couldn't even walk around and look at the other cars.

It made him happy to show the car, though.
I spent the rest of the weekend just visiting the FIL and working on a welding project. I am putting a cart together for my little mig welder out of 1" square tubing. I suck at welding, but I'm getting really good at grinding!

This is good practice on something that won't kill anyone if a weld breaks.