Originally Posted by LUV2XCLR8
A picture is worth alot, scroll down and look at the $3000 deal a few threads down 
Let's face it, that $3000 deal is a once in a life time thing. The sad fact is I live 45 miles from where that Blazer was and missed it. I even showed the pictures to my wife the first day it was listed, but she did not like the color, so I passed on even looking at it.
Originally Posted by Jtrux
It's strange how the price would drop only 500 for no motor. I agree about the pics, however, from what you've said I say NO DEAL!
I am just wondering what makes this a "NO DEAL" for you? Thanks for the honesty though.
Just a sidebar, I do have a friend who said he would buy the 454 for more then $500 and I have most of the stuff to put my 99 5.7 Vortec motor in with a carb. I am just looking at my options right now. I will try to get some pictures tomorrow if I can.