Re: truck smokes Help!!!
low life, everything you just said goes against everything I have ever learned about oils in the whole time I have been turning wrenches. (my whole life)
Original engine should use 5/20 or 5/30 if under 20 degrees10W or 5/30 for 0 to 60 degrees, or 20w ,10/30, 10/40 or 20/40 from 20 degrees up to 100 degrees.
In modern talk, 10/30 with it's new additives and the like, is more than fine. if it is real cold, like canadian cold, then a 5/30 is a good idea.
Propoer additives are not only a good idea, but is the basis of a good oil. I'm not talkin adding lucas or some other crap on top of the oil, (unless we are talking about adding zink... which is almost manditory with new oils) I'm talkin the oil makers when blending the oils adding additives. I would NEVER recomend 7000 to 9000 on any mineral based oils without a lab test... only synthetics can do that. If conventional oils could do that, then synthetics would ge out of buisness.
All this is a moot point anyways.... I've never seen OIL burn WHITE in an engine. I've seen fuel burn white, but it's normally diesel.