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Old 03-25-2007, 10:27 PM   #8
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Re: '67 open road I looked at today

I got a free camper trailer this past summer that had severe water damage....not much to it really, as long as you are fairly good with a tape measure and wood saw, it shouldnt be too bad. we had to replace the whole floor in my trailer, but the frame is just a 2x4 base bolted to the metal frame of the camper shell. Check for rot in the uprights on the actual side of the walls of the camper, as these might be a little harder to replace. And you may be able to find a carpenter/contract buddy to help. they're kinda like little houses lol. hope that helps
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'69 C10 350/3spd dropped 3/5, 93 Stepside bed...was my highschool project, but now it's gone to college with me
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