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Old 03-29-2007, 01:42 PM   #8
1969 GMC
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Re: what is your preferred locker?

Originally Posted by snj8198 View Post
Not to steal this thread but have any of you spooled the front on your daily driver and just left a hub unlocked for 4 wheel driving until you needed it offroad? I've heard tech-talk to this yet no real world eperience. What are the driving characteristics like with only one hub locked for winter/highway driving? There shouldn't be but, are there any different steering quirks to watch out for when unlocked? I'm offroading similar to your terrain MARTINKH yet I drive this truck everyday around town and at highway speeds during the winter. I'm just tring to side step the selectable locker costs if I can. Otherwise I'll have to cough up enough $$$ for ARB's for my FF14B and D6.
I have personally seen someone weld up their front diff like you said. They had it in 4-lo on a trail, and unlocked one front wheel to negotiate a tight turn. Popped the u-joint and fragged the stub shaft on that side (yoke ears twisted off). I know alot of people do this though, but this is just what I've seen happen.

What I am in the process of doing is swapping a D60 under my GMC that is from a late 70's Dodge that originally had a NP203, so the axle has drive flanges. It's getting a powertrax lock-rite. I plan on just shifting in and out of 4x4 as needed, because I really don't want to be playing the musical hubs game on the trail. I figure with the horrible gas mileage it has gotten, it wont get any better with big tires, and to me any parasitic drag from having the flanges on there wont matter too much.
1969 GMC K2500
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