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Old 04-03-2007, 10:05 AM   #9
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Arrow Re: DJM Lowering Parts Questions

About two years ago i lowered my '99 2wd 2door Tahoe and i used DJM front coils and Belltech spindles no problems there but the DJM rear drop kit what a joke the instructions must of been written by a 3rd grader cuz all the important stuff you needed to know was omitted.

The C-notch was no problem and the front schakles were no problem but the relocation brackets for the rear end are just a POS design IMO and they either didn't send me the right shock extender mounts or they didn't have them made yet cuz now they have the correct ones for sale.

The ones i need are for a truck not equipt with a rear sway bar and i got the ones for a truck with a sway bay.

But when i ordered my kit there was no such info stating this.

After the kit was installed and the truck back on earth my drive shaft was hitting a body X-member and it was necessary to notch it so this wouldn't happen and nothing in the inst. about this step.

I also had to notch another X-member on the rear frame behind and above the rear end diff. cover so it wouldn't hit if a large hole or dip in the road was encountered also not in the inst.

The kit was suppose to lower the truck 4/4 but it ended up 4/6 but the truck sits right so i wasn't to concerned about that.

If you go to my web page in my sig you will see the pic's of what im talkin' about.

Anyway i won't ever use any of there stuff after this.

I understand that theres certin things that will come up on projects like this but Dyamn there was just too much afro engineering that had to be done here for a kit from a company that claims there kit is the best engineered one on the market.

And i dont have any problems hacking on any part of the truck if thats what has to be done but at least mention it in the instructions.


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