Thread: attach molding
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:45 PM   #6
The Crazy Machanic
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Re: attach molding

if you dont want take and glue will work autozone has some super adhesive weather striping glue. Iv used on every thing and man does it hold. One thing i used it on was the side mirriors they were coming loose after the old heat gun glue from factory wore out. (this it were the mirrior glass stick to the mirrior frame inside the housing)
*1986 Sliverado longbed 400 small block mean as hell, 700r4 trans (5 speed coming one day)

* 1970 chevelle 2dr sedan Latest update June 24 2007.

*1957 4 door stationwagon - pink all original needing a good restore (body great, floors bad)

newest additions
1965 shortbed fleet great granddads. Been told im nuts to bring it back from the dead (still going to happen) plans-all stock with a turbo 292 inline 3 speed column shift. and thats it

big block 427 and 5 speed trans and ford 9 inch theyhave no home yet thinking what to put them in

and a 79 c60 trash truck um no idea i have one
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