you need big ones, but there are two styles of bb mount sin 68-72, the 68-71 look like modified normal sb ones and the 72 ones are almost identical to 73-up ones, you can use 73-up ones, the 73-up ones differ by roughly 1.2" of length fromt he sb ones, but you will have exhaust manifold issues possibly, but maybe not on BB engines, someone else will know that
good luck
Randy- Lincoln, IL 2177353230
*many GM parts bought, traded, or sold -am parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham
current fleet: -71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07- basketcase, #1
-90 Cavalier 2.2L sky blue, driver, was free
-84 Z28 5.0L/700R4/3.73 daily driver
-84 Firebird/SE 2.8L/T-5/3.73/engine bad, project #2
-82 purple Trans Am, project #3
*Paint is overrated*
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