Originally Posted by Palf70Step
You gonna be done before the move?
The work and ideas you are doing on the burb are great. I'm itching to fire up my welder again.
If I can get it in paint before I leave, I will be extremely happy. Looks like I'll be Geo-batching for about 8 months while the oldest daughter finishes her Sr. year in high school. Hopefully I'll be able to put it back together during my trips back home.
Originally Posted by shifty
Good work, Rob. I also got to spend time w/my truck over the weekend all I have left to fire up now is like ... 6 wires, positive battery cable fab and install, setup my oil pressure gauge, and ... tighten the fuel lines I made this weekend  .
I have a question for you though: What do people do about the weld beads on the inside of the body panel? Obviously, you can't really grind them, or coat them - aren't they more prone to rust after welding them?
This is one of those things I've always wondered, but never asked anyone about.
Good to hear it's close to running. I'll be up your way this weekend picking up a "donor" project for the crew cab. As far as the welds on the inside, when I put it on the rotissierre, we will take a garden sprayer full of POR-15 and try and spray inside all of the nooks and crannies and hopefully coat everything that can possibley rust. I think that is the best that you can do, other than taking it to a place that dips the entire body in a chemical dip.
Originally Posted by 1LoC10
lookin great man... good work.
that back end looks awesome, looks factory and something alot of people wont even notice at first, but alot cleaner looking than the Burb tail end... good job
Thanks and I agree, most people will have no clue that anything has been changed in the back. But like most of us, I'm doing it for myself because I think it will look better.