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Old 04-11-2007, 08:07 AM   #12
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Re: heads from Jeg's

IMO that cam is a little wild for street use in a truck. you will be giving up too much bottom end and it will be down on streetable manners. you dont need a lope to be powerful.
the 197 cc runner heads are also a little big. your 882 heads, are they the 1.94/1.6 valved or the 1.75/1.5 valved? the 1.94/1.6 version with a good gasket matching to the intake will net good flow and flame front speed. not too fast and not too slow.
as for the chamber volume, though the smaller ones will raise CR they will shroud flow at higher RPMs. bigger valves will do the same also. (the AF mix hits the side of chamber and starts seperating the fuel from the air.)
split pattern cams tend to have a wider power band than the single pattern ones. more duration thends to waste fuel at lower RPMs and create dead spots off idle. (sucks gas and runs like crap)

the number one rule of thumb when building an engine; go for torque in the RPM range you want to run and HP will take care of itself. be realistic here.
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