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Old 04-11-2007, 12:44 PM   #9
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Re: The 67 was just rear-ended

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck View Post
I don't know how many times I've said this before, but I HATE TAILGATERS.
You and me both. It seems like nobody follows the 1 car length per 10 miles an hour rule. Unfortunately if you DO follow at the proper distance someone will jump in front of you which makes you back off further, then another car, even thing you know you could be dead stopped!

I usually keep a sharp eye on everyone else because I know people are dumb. If someone is following too close I give a little bump on the brakes and if that doesnt work I just let off the gas and make them pass me whilst I administer the one finger salute.

You know I might have a slight mean streak in me with bad drivers. Once I was driving over a bridge in the fast lane when I see this teenage girl yapping on her phone and coming up fast on my I slow down just enough and she jumps over in the right lane (no blinker of course) and loses her place in the fast lane. (out comes my camera) Well she is tailgating this poor sap the whole way over the bridge (turn camera on, set on dash and start recording) and as soon as the bridge ends it goes from 2 to 3 lanes, well the guy in the slow lane puts on his blinker and gets over (nice fella) and the girl proceeds to floor it and ride the next bumper in line. She had enough of that after a few seconds and jumps into the right lane...except thats where Mr Nice guy is. She puts him in the curb, he loses a hubcap, blows a tire and hits the brakes. Does she stop? Heck no she kept on going. So I take off after her (still using blinkers and driving the speed limit) and follow her over the next bridge out to the beach where she pulls up to a house, gets out and gives me a dirty look. I tell her "Just wanted to let you know I got you on film running that guy off the road and im emailing him the video for his purposes." to which she says "What guy?!" and she was serious!

Sorry for the rant but im with you man...I hate tailgaters!
1986 C10 - LWB, 305/700r4, posi, vortec heads
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