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Old 04-12-2007, 02:07 PM   #2
1969 GMC
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Re: Eaton Third swap parts list

It's easier than you think.

1) pull out axleshafts far enough to get them out of the carrier
2) unbolt d-shaft
3) unbolt 3rd (a good idea is to remove one of the bottom bolts , and let the oil drain out first)

Now do that in reverse to install your new one.
Just 80 or 90 w oil, No-Spins don't require a special oil like posis do.
The only non-tool you will need is RTV gasketing compound to seal the 3rd back up.

Someone suggested using a bucket of diesel fuel, and I think that would be a good idea to clean the gears, but 5 gallons of diesel fuel is like $15. It would be better spent getting a few cans of brake clean if your 3rd is really nasty. Plus then you don't have 5 gallons of contaminated diesel sitting around that you can't do anything with.

EDIT: as you probably know by now, a milkcrate or floor jack can do wonders for helping you put those 3rds in. They are just a tad heavy.
1969 GMC K2500
1996 Honda Accord
2007 Kawasaki KLR 650

Last edited by 1969 GMC; 04-12-2007 at 02:09 PM.
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