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Old 04-13-2007, 01:22 AM   #21
ASE Certified Spoon Operator
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Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 157
Re: question for the 4x4 guys

I don't think I'll get mine dirty when(ever) I finish her... Came with 33s though! Too bad the Rockwell T case is stuck in 4Hi and the front axle is toast (PO didn't match ratios when he put in a disc axle) I don't want to beat up all the hard work I am doing/will do, plus the production numbers were low (<2800) for the 67 4x4s... according to a few books I have checked at the library; each one has a different figure.
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And she's not going to be doing much of anything for a while...
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but that is going to change with the warmer weather. Except for the blizzard this weekend. Ah, 'Spring in the Rockies!'
But yeah, I don't get why folks will spend SO MUCH on good rubber and lifts and lights and fender flares just to use it up on pavement. There's a bunch of those types around here and I usually yell "EVER GET IT DIRTY???" at them. I'd buy a beater to beat instead of wasting money on posing. Oh well, it's only money, right? Maybe I'm just jealous...
My six is bigger than your eight
67 K20 292 +.060" SM465 NP203 3.73s
86 4Runner, the daily on 31s
85 4Runner, the wheeler on 38s
92 x-cab truggy project for 2017... tons and 42s and V8 power
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