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Old 04-15-2007, 02:26 PM   #1
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free 72 cheyenne bench seat

As the title says, ITS FREE!!!!! come and get it.Its blue with the scrolling pattern. pick up only, I cant deliver it or ship it so if you want it come and get it. I dont want to take it to the dump because its in good shape and but will need recovering if you plan on putting it in a restored truck but can be used as is in a dailey driver because it does have a seat cover on it. Like I said I dont want to throw it away because somebody could use it.
1972 chevy cheyenne 10,nothing special at the moment,Its a work in progress, Working on the engine, paint and body,engine, paint and body,now its the suspenion, ahh hell I'm about tired of working on it. Maybe it will be a rat rod.
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