If you are getting item from the boneyard, try any spindles up to '87. The catch is you will need an adapter for the tie rod end to the 69 adjuster sleeve, classic performance sells them. Then you will need ball joints to match the year of spindles you have. '71-'72 are the same uppers '73-'87 have same uppers '71-'87 have same lowers. Something else to watch out for is rotor thickness. 1" and 1-1/4" are the to factory thickness's. Get the spindles which have 1-1/4" rotors as the larger rotors are more readily avaliable.
That's about if for boneyard parts. Personally I reccomend buying a kit which includes everything you need. try some of the vendors who are on the board.
Hop this helps.
1971 Cheyenne Super
Soon to be converted to '68 front clip.
Efland, NC