Thread: Cutting coils
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Old 04-20-2007, 09:11 AM   #2
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Re: Cutting coils

When I removed mine (not to cut them), I jacked up the front - under the lower control arm, and supported the frame on jack stands. I used a spring compressor (the kind that slides up inside the spring) to compress it as much as possible. I broke the lower ball joint loose. Then while supporting the vehicle by the frame I lowered the jack to allow the LCA to swing down. From there, pry the spring out.

This is a very high-level desscription of the concept. There are details that I can't remember, and did not include, but the process is there.

A couple of things to think about...

1) Some guys do not use a spring compressor at all, but this can be tricky and dangerous. There is alot of potential energy in these coils, and an uncontrolled release of this energy can do damage. What ever method you choose make sure you rope or chain the spring to the frame before lowering the LCA. This will keep the spring from jumping out at you as the LCA comes down.

2) I believe in my case I actually popped the upper ball joint as well to completely remove the steering knuckle/spindle assembly. This makes removing the coil a little easier.

Have fun man - and BE CAREFULL!
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