Thread: rust sucks
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:31 PM   #1
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rust sucks

so, while the truck was sitting so long, and the master cylinder was leaking, it was dripping right on the inner fender all the paint on the fender is all crackly and peeling now and its being a bee eye tee see ahe to get cleaned up.

i decided the other day i'm taking the truck down for some well needed tlc in the engine bay and front end. i'll be moving some things around and cleaning up along with replacing the carburator.

but step 1 is cleaning, which means getting as much of that old rusty paint off the inner fender and repainting it.

oh, and whats the best way to clean my intake manfold without removing it? its gotten a little dirty in some spots and i want to make it look so fresh and so clean clean again
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