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Old 12-01-2002, 08:59 AM   #1
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Posts: 8
5 speed in 69 k10

hey guys. i have a 69 k10, i have had it since 94. it had a 4speed with a rockwell transfer case, when i got it. being a dummy i put an automatic in it, with a np203. well to say the least i dont like it. i am thinking of looking for a 5 speed tranny to put in it. it has 4.10 gears in it and i just want to be able to drive 60mph without feeling like im running it to hard 3000 rpm is just too high for me. oh the other tihng is GAS MILEAGE SUCKS NOW. i have rebuilt the front end, raised it 2 inches , put in a goodwrench 350, with a weiand intake and holley 650 . it has the factory ram horm manifolds with dual exhaust. i do appreciate any info, and if any one knows anyone looking for a th350 and np 203 let me know. thanks
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