Thread: Rough Running
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Old 04-25-2007, 09:07 PM   #1
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Rough Running

I do not understand what is going on with my truck. I installed the carburetor and adjusted it by ear to what seemed to be a great idle and revved great, as long as it is in park. As soon as you put it in gear it begins stumbling. If you give it some gas it will spit and sputter and shoot some black smoke then nearly die. I finally gave up when it died after the last adjustment and seemed like it didnt want to turn over. It was really straining the starter. Hooked the jumper cables up and it still didnt want to turn over so I pulled the diesel over and jumped both batteries off the diesel and it still didnt want to turn over. Maybe this is a combination of problems all rolled into one but I am about ready to dig a hole and bury the truck........Any ideas??????
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