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Old 04-27-2007, 03:19 PM   #11
Toms Truckin
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Re: rubber mat ..vs.. carpet?

I just got back from having a security system installed in my 72. The guy who does the work does alot of audio/video, and is a big proponent of Dynamat.

He told me his cost for one box,( enough to do a regular cab like mine) is $130 a box. Plus his time to sit there, measure, cut and install it all.

My question.... If I have my truck sent out for a spray in bed liner, what if i had the same material put on the bare metal surfaces all in the cab and doors?

Has anyone tried or thought of this approach? That stuff has to offer some decent sound deadening and its definitely going to protect the metal ( albeit permanently) plus its going to be alot easier/cheaper to apply.
72 GMC Sierra Grande
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