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Old 04-27-2007, 05:07 PM   #19
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Re: I want this so bad but?

Originally Posted by boxrodz View Post
jr2 -
Sounds like you have a game plan. But, that 64 sure looks nice and clean.

I've seen some very clean and modded Nova's, especially the two-tone one that got alot of recognition a couple of years ago.

Your 31' couple looks straight except for rusted out bottom.
I saw a '34 tudor that had a mean chop and a blown, big-block where the bug catcher extended pass the roof line and it was running zoomies. If it was ever driven on the streets, all the driver would see through the mailslot would be chrome. When the owner fired it up, it could make some serious NOISE and Turbulence, aside from all that power.
I have to pass on the 64.. Just wanted to vent my inopportune moment here for symapthy from you guys

I think I know the Nova you are talking about. There are a bunch of 2 tone jobbies but this is the best in my opinion:
Roy Pigfords 66 (Highly customized/modified I might ad too!)

My 31 is actually a pretty "straight " car but yes your right it's got a little ( haha) rust down around the bottom. It's ok I can fix it. I got nuttin but time. I like to be different in anyting I build so the 31 CHEVY fits me just fine. I like the A's and such but I like different stuff mostly. You just hardly ever see the older Chevy's anymore.

If you read through this thread you will see what mine will look like once I chop it. DeSoto Chop (it's a DeSoto but same body really) That thing looks so mean!

The 31 is the car I have dreamed about building since I was a wee lad!!!
-John II
"A Little's Good! A Lot's Better! & Too Much is Just Right!!"
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