Detour! Detour!!
No longer have my dirtbike (YZ426F) But have an '88 Tecate 4 for the sand!
My "junk".........

no pics of my '69 'burban on my 'puter.....but I will soon, once I start swappin' in the big block! Also have a VW Baja project...not much to look at right now....progress is
slooooooooowwwww too many irons in the fire!
The Charger was my first's been through ALOT.....original R/T, 440, AT, AC, PS, PB, PW, yada, yada....I swapped in a 4 speed a few years ago....alot of fun, esp with 4.10s....

has some rust in the 1/4s, but I can't bring myself to take it apart to fix it, 'cause I'll end up going through the WHOLE car...I can't afford to do it RIGHT at the it's too fun as it is!!!