Originally Posted by jr2
Yeah I can understand the "can't afford to get hurt anymore" scenario as well as double duty toys. I converted my bike to more dualsport capability so I can do more onger trips with my dad. I can ride the rough stuff but my body won't take it as well anymore. Takes me all week to recover.
YZ 426 is a MONSTER on the sand. Have a few friends with those and a few with the new YZ450's & CRF450's. I don't need that much power anymore. I'm just happy to be able to ge tout and ride at all!
Hahaha! Yeah.....I should stay away from the track these days.....
But the sand.....that's different, tricky on a bike, but once ya get the hang of it, it's a
BLAST! Lay the bike over like a crotch rocket and do 5th gear wheelies for days...........and crashing doesn't hurt (as bad...hahaha)
64 pickup---->hotrods----->dirtbikes.......makes sense to me!

Maybe this needs moved to OT discussion....he he he........