Originally Posted by C10-Driver
The c-notch is only going to provide clearance for the axle after it is dropped... It has nothing to do with the drop itself. As far as the flip goes, it should give you about 5.5". The nice thing about flipping the axle is that you are not changing the function of the rear suspension at all. You are merely taking the axle from the bottom of the spring and putting it on top. You will, however, need to make sure you get your pinion angles right and you will need a set of shorter shocks.
You could add shock extenders and keep your shocks. Flipping the rear end and c-notches really go hand in hand. If you dont c-notch you will only have about 2 clearance inbetween the rear end tubes and the bottom of the frame. Flipping could be the way to go because you will keep you stock springs so ride quality wont be affected to much.