Air bag help for my 86swb...
First off, I am new to this board... I see there is a lot of people on herre.... So I know I will be learnin a lot of things from yall...
Anyway, I am lookin in to baggin my '86, and I need some help... I know Air Ride Tech came out with a set-up, but I am curious as to how everyone else did there set up...
Bags is one category of the automotive world that I have NO clue about... So any advise would be great!!
I am not worried bout layin frame, (unless price difference is minimal) but I do want to lay low... I have a 3/4 drop on mine currently, and like it as a ride height...
Any advise on good set-ups?? Shoot me a price too...
If you dont mind, gimme a pic of what you are describing as well....
Thanks in advance!!!!