Re: speedometer cable?
Thank You very much for the replies.
When the cable was laid flat the inside came right out. My cable looked like it had lots of grease on it so I installed it as is.
BTW My original problem was my speedometer needle was fluxuating wildly!
My truck had cruise so to eliminate the posiblity of it being the cuise control modual or either of the two speedometer cables I just threw away everything and replaced it with one long speedometer cable.
Anyway the new cable did not really fix the problem. Also my speedomer gauge was clicking. I took an air nozzle and blew out the speedomet gauge. It was really really dirty. This cured the clicking which was caused from dirt and crime binding up the plastic gears for the odometer. Also it looks like those speedometers use a magnet inside. I really cleaned out this part.
Now the speedometer doest click, the odometer works and the needle only jumps a couple of mph instead of ten or twenty mph like before. I guess its normal for these old speedometer needles to move a couple mph back and forth say at speeds over 50 mph on gravel roads?