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Old 05-06-2007, 10:11 AM   #52
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Re: the ultimate dumba#@ move by me

Been their Done that! Mine was down in Victor Valley 4 wheeling in October of about 99 or 2000. I had just finished a full frame off and custom build of a 71 Bronco that was built for the Rubicon trail up by my place. I was down in Victor valley to run a new trail called "Wrecking ball" . After we pulled into camp a Magazine guy came by and wanted to do a spread on my EB so of course I did and 24hrs later it was totaled!

I had the pics taken, ran wrecking ball the next morning (got a few dings and scratches) then that night we went for our yearly sand drags up in the valley. I raced a few times and one time I followed my buddy off the course (it was a big flat spot going right up a sand hill) and when I got to the side at about 20-30mph I just felt the bronoco leave the earth. Turns out my buddy went over the side about 30 feet from were I went. My spot was the edge of about a 20' drop off (this was at midnight by the way). I cleared 30' before the first hit on all four wheels but then the suspention coiled up and when it sprung it started me in an end over end to the bottom of the valley. Not sure just how many times it went over but when it stoped Iwe were upside down and a bout 29k in damage had just occured. No one was hurt and boy was it a fun ride!

Here are the pics from 24 hours before! I only have one shot of the after math I will have to try and find.

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Last edited by Rokcrln; 05-06-2007 at 10:14 AM.
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