I got Frankenstein, the 81 k-20 moved into the shop this weekend. I poked it over good and decided to stay with the 81 cab that is on it. I took the carb off to rebuild, discovered that it has a goodwrench 350 in it that has pretty good compression, no leaks either. The T-case crossmember is trashed. I got another one order. The springs are WORN severly

I see a rather expensive spring order in my future. The drive line is pretty tight, U-joints are all good, and the rotors and drums are in good shape. Actually the brakes work pretty good considering this truck has not been on the road in about 15 years
The pedals in this cab are screwy. I spent some time on saturday taking the pedals out of the 76 parts truck, but I did not get them all the way out though before I had to stop for the day.
If you remember from my first post (in the 73-87 fourm), I got this truck for free from a guy that was in the process of swapping this new cab onto his frame. I guess it is like a big jig-saw puzzle and now I have to put the pieced back together.

I love the big 8 lug wheels. This is my first 4X4 project, been fun so far!
I am seriously looking foward to getting this thing going! I have visions of a CUCV clone in desert tan drab, HUGE front and rear bumpers, winch, lots of rubber, and since I am going to be using it as my trailer hauler/project recovery truck, I am going to mount a gas powered air compressor in the back (been waiting on a good place to put that!) and a couple of tool boxes. It will be my new "DRAGGIN WAGON"
and hence forth, that will be the new name of this project: