If you bore again, .060 stroker (400 crank) will make it a 388. I'd just hone the cylinders and have the crank turned (provided it hasn't been turned before). Some people go .020 under on the crank, but I personally wouldn't go more than .010. You can tell if you have a steel crank by looking at it. A cast one will have mold lines in it. Change those heads!!!! Vortec seem to be the way to go.
Yeah, that's right. My name is Randy too!
1970 Chevy C-10 shortstep
30 Ford Model A Coupe 4 inch chop, 350, GMC 671 blower-Hell yeah it's fast!
87 Harley Sportster(couldnt get a 350 to fit)
Self Propelled Lawn Mower
Built in USA!!!!
Virginia Beach, VA.