Originally Posted by Shane
I hope you have better luck than I have with Snap On and their replacement policies. I have heard it is all up to your particular dealer ... if that's the case then I had a goober for a dealer.
He was more than happy to sell to you, would even set you up on payroll deduction ... but was all too quick to say NO when you had a replacement need.
Good luck.
Iv'e had to deal with several of thies types of dealer in the past 20yr's.
I "Snaped Off" the boxed end of a 5/16 combo wrench once using nothing but my arms and my dealer at that time told me you used a pipe and thats why it broke..........Okay even if i did you still have to replace it!
I asked him arn't thies considered Industerial strenght tools?......Yeah!
I aksed him isn't that what i paid for? a lifetime replacement!......Yeah!
I got a new wrench but i shouldn't have to strong arm for it i allready did that to the wrench
Any way the guy that services my area is cool he has allready replaced some of my Snap on $h!t and never batted an eye over it but i have to go to him where ever that may be.
Some guy's are Cool others are Dik's and will try to scam you by not replacing broken stuff.